“Here to
support you”
I joined Mander Hadley as Practice Manager in August 2013, having gained experience in both accounts and office management at practices throughout Warwickshire over a 14-year period.
My role includes managing our human resources, with responsibility for recruitment and staff training. My administrative responsibilities are diverse and include areas such as marketing, risk compliance and health and safety.
I provide the financial information on which decisions are based and work with the accounts team to make sure we keep expenses under control, which helps us to offer you the best possible value legal services.
In addition to this I provide general support to all members of staff to ensure the smooth running of the business.
The Law, practices and procedures are constantly changing and therefore I spend a significant amount of time ensuring that our staff are fully trained so that we can offer you a friendly and efficient service, combined with well-informed advice and assistance. My aim, along with the management team, is to ensure that everyone in our firm works together to fulfil our clients’ legal needs.