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Mander Hadley Solicitors in Coventry



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  world upside down

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If you’re suffering from domestic violence, whether it be in a physical or emotional form, your first step should be to telephone one of our family law specialists to help you take control and keep you safe.

At Mander Hadley, we promise to listen to you and to support you through the necessary steps to obtain an Order that protects you from future domestic violence.

We can help you by applying for a Non-Molestation Order to prevent the abuser from harassing you and impose restrictions on him or her from contacting you in the future.

We can also assist you in applying for an Occupation Order to secure your housing needs to exclude the abuser, if necessary.

If you are suffering from domestic violence and have children or other dependants at home, we can secure an injunction to protect you.

Whatever your circumstances, Mander Hadley can offer you discrete and immediate assistance to help keep you safe.

Contact us now and let us help protect you from domestic violence. You are in safe hands at Mander Hadley.

For more information please consult our Domestic Violence Experts: