November 29 2024
What happens to your home and other properties during a divorce?
Need advice on divorce or separation? Book a fixed-fee consultation for just £180 (VAT included) and get clarity today!
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“Breaking up can turn your
world upside down”
Many people consider that being part of a long-term cohabiting relationship amounts to being recognised as a ‘common law spouse’.
Unfortunately, this is a common misconception as the law does not recognise a “common law spouse” which means a partner is not offered the same financial remedies that are available to a wife or husband going through Divorce proceedings.
As a result, any claims must be dealt with under the principles of contract, trust and land law. This is a highly complex area, which we strongly advise should be dealt with by legal experts.
Alternatively, you may be looking to enter into a Cohabitation Agreement to set out your respective positions and how joint property is to be dealt with in the event that your relationship breaks down or one partner dies.
Although most couples may not consider that such an Agreement is an important consideration when moving in together, it can be an extremely helpful tool to avoid future difficulties or litigation when dividing assets, if the worst should happen and the relationship ends.
Contact us now and let us help you prepare a Cohabitation Agreement which will provide you with peace of mind for the future. You are in safe hands at Mander Hadley.