“Don’t leave your
future to chance”
WHAT do you do if you ever find yourself in the position of being unable to look after your own property and financial affairs or even your own care and welfare? The answer is probably to have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place ready to be used by your immediate family or closest and most trusted associates who care about you and who you know you can trust to look after you.
If you don’t have an LPA, then if through illness you lose capacity and become unable to manage and look after your own property and financial affairs, it is likely that an application will have to be made to the Court of Protection for a Deputy to be appointed.
This is both time consuming (taking up to five months) with a tremendous amount of paperwork and red tape involved and it is expensive. Worst still, your care and welfare will be dealt with by whoever is on duty at your local Social Services office which might be regarded as less than desirable.
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