Mander Hadley Solicitors in Coventry



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Lasting Powers of Attorney allows you to appoint up to 4 people of your choice to act on your behalf in regard to your property & financial affairs and/or your health & welfare. Your attorneys will be able to act on your behalf and to speak for you, always of course in your best interests. For more detailed information about LPAs, please
click here.

The personal information you provide is completely secure and will be handled with the utmost care. Please see our data protection privacy notice here.

In order to proceed with the preparation of your LPAs please complete the following -

Are you wishing to make Lasting Powers of Attorney for:

The position of an attorney involves a great deal of responsibility and you will be entrusting your attorney with the care of your money (if you are making a property & finance LPA) and your care and welfare (if you are making a health & welfare LPA). With this in mind please now give details of the person or persons (up to a maximum of 4) you wish to have as your attorney.