Mander Hadley Solicitors in Coventry



Protecting your future
 and those you care about

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Sometimes, when you get to that stage in your life when you most want and need things to be simple and straightforward, things can appear complicated.   From care homes and funding care fees to issues of safeguarding, our specialist team at Mander Hadley can advise, help and support.

If life’s problems don’t come ready packaged, then the solutions don’t either, but there are two essential principles we observe when dealing with dementia or mental incapacity.  These are that:

  • Everyone is assumed to have capacity to make their own decisions in regard to money and property or their care and welfare unless the contrary is shown to be so
  • Any decisions made on their behalf or anything done on their behalf must be in their best interests and must be the least restrictive for them

These principles are fundamental to the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

We will look at your individual situation and the concerns you have with sympathy and in a rounded and holistic way, and advise you accordingly.  Our services include:

  • Arranging a mental capacity assessment
  • Advice regarding planning and paying for care
  • Advising in regard to care home funding and challenging decisions about fully funded care
  • Advice and representation in regard to safeguarding meetings and multi-disciplinary best interest meetings
  • Preparing Living Wills and Advance Health Directives
  • Applications to the Court of Protection for deputyships, maintenance payments for family, or gifts, or for the sale of property
  • Advising in relation to Deprivation of Liberty Orders and applications.

Our team are members of Solicitors for the Elderly and the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners and some team members are qualified Dementia Friends.  We always endeavour to adhere to core service standards. A guide setting these standards out for your information is available here.

We provide free safe custody for Wills, deeds and other securities.

Contact us now and let us take care of matters relating to Care Planning. You are in safe hands at Mander Hadley.

For more information please consult our Older Client Advice & Care Planning Experts: